Costly Obsession: Animalize Read online

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  Chapter Twenty Five

  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even also as I am known.

  I Corinthians 13:12

  “Mr. Raleigh? Hi, this is Wendy Kinsington. I realize what time it is and I’m so sorry to be calling you this late, but it seems that my son, Jeremy, and some of his friends have been sneaking out after curfew and I was wondering if you could check on your boys. I’m concerned about them with the recent events and all.”

  “No, no, don’t worry about it. If my boys are sneaking out I wanna know about it. I’ll go peek in on them right now, just a minute, hold on.”

  Wendy turned back to Aaron and covered the mouthpiece just in case, “I hate to lie and possibly get these boys in trouble like this.”

  “Well Hun, what can we do? Say, ‘Hey Oscar, we think our son may have put a curse on one of your boys that causes him to turn into a demonic monster that’s been going around town slaughtering cattle and ripping people to shreds.’ I can just see that, that’d go over real well; we might as well start packing now. Oscar has a pretty good sense of humor, but not that good.”